Friday 26 February 2016


For my time-lapse video, I am going to create my animation from Photoshop. Also, to start my animation, I have created a Mood-Board, including illustrated example of how my drawing on Photoshop will eventually look like and what type of tools I will be using. Etc. Here is the Mood-Board I have created;

As you can see I have divided it into three categories, for example; Illustrated, Photoshop program, and tool type examples. 

Friday 29 January 2016

Idea's for my Stop Motion Animation assignment/Notes/Target Audience


For my Stop Motion assignment, I have decided I want to produce a time lapse video. However, the type of time-lapse video I would like to create is a illustrated one, which is going to be on Photoshop The reason I want to do this type of animation, is because it is something I enjoy and different to the other animations I have created in the past. Furthermore, I will produce my time-lapse video with a individual images, which I will capture on the computers I will be using. Furthermore, I will also pick a celebrity or animal to copy off, while I am portraying them - the celebrity I am going to recreate is Patrick Stump who is the lead vocalist from a band called Fall Out Boy. 

Also, here are a few examples I have chosen to give you a idea on my time-lapse animation. 

Target Audience
How will your animation appeal to your Target Audience?
My chosen animation idea, will appeal to my Target Audience because of my chosen celebrity, with him being part of the biggest Rock-Pop Band in the world - Fall Out Boy. So this will draw them in because of all the fans they have spread around the world - So from that if there fans see something new about them they would click on it without hesitating because of the love and dedication they have for them.

For my animation I have decided not to use any sound effects, as I am only drawing Patrick Stump on Photoshop. However, I have picked a few songs out of Fall Out Boy to put into my song, for example; Young Volcanoes, Grand Theft Autumn/ Where is your boy tonight? and The Pheonix - The song I have chosen to go with is Young Volcanoes and change it into a instrumental version, which is known for no dialogue (Lyrics).

Before I start my animation, I included myself in a small taster session creating a small animation on Photoshop drawing another image of Patrick. Here is my short animation sequence below. 

(This videos full animation will be shown on YouTube soon)

What is continuity editing and how can you identify it in animation?
Continuity editing is an effect which give your target audience the impression or illusion of different scenarios of the animation or video you are creating. Therefore, you can see this throughout animation sequences like the taster video I have shared above.

When I edited my animation I used many ADOBE premiere program, including, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Stop Motion - These software's are perfect for editing animation, especially I-Stop Motion, which I did not use as much as the others, because of most of my images been spread around in different file and with the program not working properly at the time. 

Adobe After Effects
I used the Adobe After Effects, when I have to create the Credits and intro for my animation. Also, the reason I used this program for this is, is because it has better tools and animations, etc. Here are a few screenshot of my development in this program; 

Premiere Pro
I also used this program for editing, but for different reasons then Abode After Effects, for example putting my images in the right order and animating them to give the illusion of me creating it. Here are a few screenshot of my development in this program; 
  • When creating a animation, make sure you take individual images of every step to make. Afterward, all these images will be shown in Stop Motion mode, which gives the illusion of a moving image.
  • During a animation sequence there are 24 frames per second - this is what gives the animation the illusion of a moving image and this is what I am going to do during my original animation sequence, Which will uploaded soon. 

Here is my finished animation 

Friday 8 January 2016

Time Lapse Animation

A time-lapse animation is a camera taking shots of an area or thing to show how it develops in time. An example of time-lapse animation can be the video below.